'Twas down by Killarney's green woods
that we strayed
When the moon and the stars they were
The moon shone its rays on her locks
of golden hair
And she swore she'd be my love
It's not for the parting that my
sister pains
It's not for the grief of my mother
Tis all for the loss of my bonny
Irish lass
That my heart is breaking forever.
"Red is the Rose" is an
Irish song, 'though the melody comes from the well-known Scottish song called "The Bonnie Banks o'Loch Lomond", which dates back to well before the 19th
Century. Like many traditional folk songs, it tells the story of a blossoming
love that ends in sadness as the two lovers are separated.
Edwin Austin Abbey was
an American muralist, illustrator, and painter. Here, we see the consequences of strong wind on the brown gown, the young man eyes and the nature with leaves floating. The power of the moment is there.
They opened Ellis
Island and they let the people through
And the first to cross
the threshold of that isle of hope and tears
Was Annie Moore from
Ireland who was all of 15 years.
Isle of hope, isle of
Isle of freedom, isle
of fears
But it’s not they isle
you left behind
That isle of hunger,
isle of pain
Isle you’ll never see
But the isle of home is
always on your mind.
In a little bag, sur
carried all her past and history
And her dreams for the
future in the land of liberty
And courage is your
passport when your old world disappears
But there’s no future
in the past when you’re 15years.
When they closed down
Ellis Island in 1943
17 million people had
come there for sanctuary
And in the springtime
when I came here and stepped onto its piers
I thought of how it
must have been when you’re 15 years.
Annie later married a
bakery clerk and had 11 children, only five of whom survived to adulthood. She
died of heart failure in 1924 at the age of 47 and was buried with six of her
children in an unmarked plot at Calvary Cemetery in Queens. She had the typical
hardscrabble immigrant life.So beautiful.
Stanislav Zhukovsky,1873-1944,
was a Russian painter of Belarusian-Polish origin, one of the most prominent
landscape and home interiors with "vintage" furniture painters of the
late XIX. At the age of 17, Zhukovsky entered the Moscow School of Painting,
Sculpture and Architecture, but the strip of professional success was broken
with the advent of the revolution, which Zhukovsky took without much
enthusiasm. He went to live in Warsaw, where he was caught in the beginning of
World War II and the German occupation. In 1944, 71-year-old Stanislav
Zhukovsky was arrested during the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising and died
in a concentration camp.
Alexander was born and
raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1890s he became close friends with Henry
James and entertained such notables as Claude Debussy and Oscar Wilde. Sunlight, painted of his muse and model Juliette Very during the summer of 1898, touches us in a certain way.
"Um dia o cordão de prata romper-se-á dentro de mim" do
cancioneiro de Johannes de Heer. Jovens que se juntam para se espiritualizarem,
mesmo que o tema seja a morte.
Ivan Trush foi um pintor impressionista ucraniano, mestre da
paisagem e do retrato, crítico de arte e patrono ativo da comunidade das artes
na Halychyna - uma região histórica no oeste da Ucrânia. Aqui, oferece-nos o mistério do fim do dia, que pode ser transposto para mistérios maiores, como o fim da vida.
Vou falar-lhes de um reino maravilhoso. Embora muitas pessoas
digam que não, sempre houve e haverá reinos maravilhosos neste mundo. O que é
preciso, para os ver, é que os olhos não percam a virgindade original diante da
realidade e o coração, depois , não hesite.
A tela é de Bertha
Wegmann (1847-1926) - Pine forest in the Tyrol
O pintor mexicano representa um mundo em crise, onde os
tamanhos importam para apresentar um líder insignificante. A racha na parede é significativa. Alguém que não tem
voz porque fala para abóboras, não para pessoas. Em 1939, as abóboras não pensavam.
Um cronópio topa com uma flor solitária no meio dos campos.
Primeiro vai para arrancá-la, depois pensa que é uma
crueldade inútil e põe-se-lhe à beira, de joelhos, brincando alegremente com a
flor, a saber: acaricia-lhe as pétalas, sopra-lhe para dançar, zumbe como as
abelhas, cheira-lhe o perfume e deita-se por fim por baixo da flor, adormecendo
envolto numa grande paz.
A flor pensa: "É como uma flor".
Nota: O cronópio é um ser imaginário que nasceu da fantasia do seu
criador, o escritor argentino Julio Cortázar (1914-1984). O escritor deu a
conhecer em algumas entrevistas, que os cronópios nasceram na sua mente num
belo dia, em 1952, enquanto presenciava uma representação musical do maestro
Igor Stravinsky.
Well, the South side of Chicago is
the baddest part of town
And if you go down there you better
just beware
Of a man named Leroy Brown.
Now Leroy more than trouble, you see
he stand 'bout six foot four
All the downtown ladies call him
"Treetop Lover"
All the men just call him
And it's bad, bad Leroy Brown
The baddest man in the whole damned town
Badder than old King Kong
And meaner than a junkyard dog.
Now Leroy he a gambler and he like
his fancy clothes
And he like to wave his diamond rings
In front of everybody's nose.
He got a custom Continental, he got
an Eldorado too
He got a thirty-two gun in his pocket
for fun
He got a razor in his shoe.
Well Friday 'bout a week ago Leroy
shootin' dice
And at the edge of the bar sat a girl
named a Doris
And ooh that girl looked nice.
Well, he cast his eyes upon her and
the trouble soon began
And Leroy Brown he learned a lesson
'Bout messin' with the wife of a
jealous man.
Well, the two men took to fighting and
when they pulled them from the floor
Leroy looked like a jigsaw puzzle
With a couple of pieces gone.
Yeah, he was badder than old King
than a junkyard dog.
Jim Croce's musical
career was really coming together in 1973 when he died in a plane crash at age
30.This song is based on a
true story but ornate. Jim's wife, Ingrid Croce, told the story this way.
"Jim Croce joined the US
National Guard in 1966, hoping it would keep him from getting sent to Vietnam.
He married Ingrid that year and hoped to continue his education and launch his
music career. Unfortunately, Jim was sent for training less than two weeks
after their wedding. As Ingrid explained, Jim had no interest in being a
soldier and had the distinction of having to repeat basic training. But he did
meet a guy who inspired one of his most famous songs. "Leroy Brown is a
guy that he actually met," said Ingrid. "When he was in the service -
The National Guard - this guy had gone AWOL. He was a guy that Jim kind of
related to, he liked to sing with him. This guy had gone AWOL but he came back
to get his pay check, and he got caught. Jim just thought he was such a funny
guy that he thought he'd include his name in the song, and it just worked.
There really was a Leroy Brown, and sometimes having a name helps you to build
a song around it."