Leonard Cohen - The Window

Why do you stand by the window
Abandoned to beauty and pride?
The thorn of the night in your bosom
The spear of the age in your side

Lost in the rages of fragrance
Lost in the rags of remorse
Lost in the waves of a sickness
That loosens the high silver nerves

Oh chosen love, Oh frozen love
Oh tangle of matter and ghost
Oh darling of angels, demons and saints
The whole broken-hearted host
Gentle this soul

And come forth from the cloud of anoint
And kiss the cheek of the moon
The New Jerusalem glowing
Why tarry all night in this ruin

And leave no word of discomfort
Oh, leave no observer to mourn
But climb on your tears and be silent
Like a rose on its ladder of thorns

Then lay your rose on the fire
The fire give up to the sun
The sun give over to splendour
In the arms of the high holy one

For the holy one dreams of a letter
Dreams of a letter's death
Oh bless thee continuous stutter
Of the word being made into flesh.

Nota: Esta é das canções onde não cantamos a letra, mas entramos dentro da palavra e aí ficamos até reconhecermos o conforto na alma. A pintura é de Sidney Harold Meteyard e tem por titulo Santa Cecilia.

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