Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner - My Way Of Life

Gotta have you near all the time,

with your dreams wrapped up in mine

Gotta be a part of your soul

and your heart all the time.

Nothing in the world that I do

means a thing without you

I'm just half alive in my struggle

to survive without you.

  You are my way of life, the only way I know,

  you are my way of life I'll never let you go.

Never let you out of my sight,

be it day, be it night

You belong to me, that's the way it will,

be wrong or right.

I don't need the crowds at my door,

the applause from the floor

All I need is you and the love we once knew,

nothing more.

  You are my way of life, the only way I know,

  make me your way of life I'll never let you go

  because I love you so.

  You are my way of life, the only way I know,

  make me your way of life, don't ever go.

      Sinatra met her in 1950 at a party. The singer was married to his childhood sweetheart and wife of 12 years, Nancy Barbato. The mother of three left Sinatra after his affair with Gardner became public. Weeks after the pair’s divorce became final in 1951, Sinatra married Gardner. Nancy went on to raise their three children: Nancy, Frank Jr. and Tina. For years, many believe that when it came to Frank Sinatra’s love life, Ava Gardner was the one who got away, but for ol’ blue eyes, the hot and heavy romance was bound to burn.

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