The Witches of Elswick - Daddy Fox

Daddy Fox went out on a chilly night

With a ling dong, dilly dong, kyro me

Praying for the moon to give him light

With a ling dong, dilly dong, kyro me

   Hey falee fala falero, hey falero lero lee;

   Up jumped John, a-ringing on his bell,

   With a ling dong, dilly dong, kyro me.

He ran till he came to a quick kip pen

The ducks and geese they lay therein

He grabbed the grey goose by the neck

Threw a little duck all across his back

Old Mrs Flipper-Flopper jumped out of bed

Through the window she stuck her little head

And John rode up to the top of the hill

He blew his little horn both loud and shrill

The fox went back to his cozy den

Little ones were there, they were eight, nine and ten

The fox and his wife without any strife

Cut up the goose with a fork and a knife

      The song was collected by the Hammond brothers from Mrs Crawford in West Milton, Dorset in 1906. Versions exist wherever English is spoken, and the text is fairly consistent.


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