Maz O'Connor - Awake Awake

Awake awake, you drowsy sleeper
Awake awake, It's almost day
How can you sleep so free of troubles
when you have stolen my heart away?

Oh hush now, hush, oh hush my darling
my father lies asleep next door
and 'round his neck a silver dagger
to kill the one that I adore

And steal away with me by starlight
In deepest forests we will hide
The nightingales would sing so sweetly
if you this night would be my bride

I cannot steal away by starlight
and I cannot be your wedded bride
my father he would surely follow
and slay you sleeping by my side

Oh now I see how love is fleeting
and only firm when it is new
so I will travel far from England
just to flee the thoughts of you

It's many times I've passed the window
and many times wished to come in
but now I wish for but for a whiskey
that I might drown my sorrows in

Awake awake you drowsy sleeper
awake awake, It's almost day
How can you sleep so free of troubles
when you have stolen my heart away?

      Maz O’Connor é uma folksinger inglesa que canta temas tradicionais e também composições suas. Em 2013, foi escolhida para receber o BBC Folk Awards Horizon Award, pela beleza da sua voz, pelos textos cuidados e pelo todo limpo de cada tema. Este, por exemplo, lembra as velhas baladas escocesas com diálogos entre amantes sempre com problemas de aceitação familiar. No YouTube encontram-se outros momentos da compositora e todos eles muito belos. 

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