Fleet Foxes - White Winter Hymnal

I was following the, I was following the,
I was following the, I was following the...

I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied 'round their throats
To keep their little heads from falling in the snow,
and I turned 'round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall and turn the white snow red
as strawberries in the summertime.

      Nesta canção, a perda da inocência acontece descrita num grupo de crianças que corre alegre na neve do inverno, uma delas cai e faz sangue 'vermelho como morangos no tempo do verão'. A metáfora da perda de virgindade está descrita "as strawberries in the summertime". O video alarga o contexto semântico desses versos e aponta para uma participação adulta activa e positiva na natureza e no progresso. 

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