Alastair McDonald - Silver Darlings

O herrings are harvests that fishermen glean
Where flashes the silver through deep ocean green,
But when herring harvests reach old Aberdeen
They're known as the silver darlings

Chorus: Silver darlings on Aberdeen quay,
Brought by the fisherman home from the sea
To the city that stands 'twixt the Don and the Dee,
The home of the silver darlings

The boats leave the harbour, their wake spreading wide
And empty they roll with the swell of the tide.
O soon may their hatches be thrown open wide
For a catch of the silver darlings

With ice in the rigging and death down below,
The gales screaming wild and the glass hanging low,
The wives and the sweethearts are women who know
The price of the silver darlings

      Os arenques do norte da Europa são muito apreciados à mesa. Os escoceses adoram defumá-los e salgá-los, os holandeses comem-nos crus, os suecos industrializaram-nos em latas de conserva, os ingleses e alemães comem-nos com pickles. Na Escócia, os lucros que provinham da comercialização deste peixe geraram a libertação da ruralidade feudal que possibilitou iniciativa privada, direito a mais propriedade e melhor qualidade de vida.

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