Lou Reed - The Kids

     Lou Reed tinha um modo muito próprio de colocar a voz, tocar guitarra - sobretudo na tonalidade de Ré maior - e escrever canções amargas. Esta, do LP Berlin de 1973, é considerada uma 'scary song' que assusta mesmo. Os gritos das crianças no final da narrativa são crus a partir do minuto 5.17. E muito se tem escrito sobre o modo como esses gritos foram gravados, mas o que interessa é a dimensão que exercem sobre nós. O texto descreve as razões que levaram as autoridades judiciais a retirarem o filho a uma mulher que se drogava e prostituía.

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because she was making it with sisters and brothers
And everyone else, all of the others
Like cheap officers who would stand there and flirt in front of me.

     Nota: "in front of me" revela a responsabilidade pessoal do narrador que nas estrofes apresenta as consequências seguidas de um "because" para revelar as causas. Berlin é uma LP urbano devastador cheio de cicatrizes da dor, da solidão, do desespero, da violência e do suicídio.

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because of the things that they heard she had done
The black Air Force sergeant was not the first one
And all of the drugs she took, every one, every one.

And I am the Water Boy, the real game's not over here
But my heart is overflowin' anyway
I'm just a tired man, no words to say
But since she lost her daughter
It's her eyes that fill with water
And I am much happier this way.

     O narrador-pilatos prefere a bacia da água ao confronto e confessa 'I'm just a tired man, no words to say' para concluir 'I am much happier this way'. Afinal, quem criou a cultura 'underground' deveria ser responsável por ela.

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because number one was the girl friend from Paris
The things that they did - ah - they didn't have to ask us
And then the Welshman from India, who came here to stay.

They're taking her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
They're taking her children away
Because of the things she did in the streets
In the alleys and bars, no she couldn't be beat
That miserable rotten slut couldn't turn anyone away.

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